In The Classrooms, players are plunged into a procedurally generated horror game that blurs the lines between reality and the surreal, mimicking the unsettling style of found footage. Set in 1996, the narrative follows Robert Chen as he ventures into an abandoned school with his VHS camera to unravel the mystery of several students’ disappearances, including his younger sister. As Chen delves deeper into the school, he becomes trapped in what seems like an endless maze of corridors and classrooms, each twist and turn bringing him further from the exit and deeper into a nightmarish loop of eerie, shifting landscapes. The game challenges players to navigate this labyrinth, encountering a range of anomalies from hostile entities to bizarre distortions of reality, all captured through the lens of Chen’s camera, ensuring a unique experience with each playthrough.
The Classrooms thrives on its dynamic environment where no two sessions are alike, thanks to its advanced procedural generation technology. Players will never encounter the same layout twice, as billions of possible configurations create a fresh experience every time the game is played. This unpredictability is compounded by the various entities that inhabit the school. These creatures range from harmless oddities to aggressive threats, each with unique behaviors and tactics that players must learn and adapt to if they hope to survive. Understanding these entities is crucial, as each encounter could lead to untimely death or provide essential clues that help unravel the school’s dark secrets.