That’s Not My Neighbor introduces players to an intriguing scenario set in the year 1955, where they step into the role of a doorman working for the Doppelganger Detection Department (D.D.D.). The game unfolds in a world mysteriously overrun by doppelgangers, posing a unique challenge to the player whose job is to scrutinize and decide who gets to enter a particular building. With a setting deeply rooted in mid-20th century aesthetics, the game blends elements of mystery and strategy, requiring players to use their judgment and keen observation to distinguish between genuine individuals and their deceptive counterparts. This role not only puts players at the forefront of safeguarding the building’s integrity but also immerses them in a narrative that tests their decision-making skills under peculiar circumstances.
Gameplay in That’s Not My Neighbor is primarily focused on interaction with characters who wish to gain entry into the building. Players must assess each visitor’s authenticity through a series of questions and answers, reminiscent of the Chester quiz, where knowledge and wit play a crucial role in making the right decisions. Questions range from the whimsical, such as the meaning of life, to the peculiarly specific, like the scientific name of an Australian animal known for its drastic appearance change outside its natural habitat. The game cleverly incorporates real-world trivia and fantastical elements, challenging players to draw on their knowledge and deductive reasoning. Success in this game hinges on the player’s ability to navigate through these interactions wisely, making decisions that ensure the safety and security of the building’s residents in a world brimming with uncertainty and doppelganger intrigue.